Thursday, April 7, 2011

Weather of Middle Earth

In the land of Gondor in middle earth, a weather phenomenon occurs that confuses the natives of the land, and that is unmoving clouds that stay in the air all day and move very little if at all. The reason this happens is because of an unstable airmass that comes up over the mountains and lifts the condensation level. These air masses rise without help from any other external source.

Another phenomenon that that has only occurred a few times in middle earth history is the tornado that has struck Shire abut luckily did not cause much damage. Tornados are violent air masses that extend off thunderstorms and touch down to the ground. Tornados occur when large cool polar air masses meet warm tropical air masses. When the tornado touches down, winds of up to 300 miles per hour can occur. The reason the damage was minimal was because houses in Shire are built under ground and in hills so the Hobbits were safe from flying debris and the intense wind.

Often times these immense storms cause extreme lightning which is a result of opposite charged particles attracting and form a "stepped ladder" and as soon as there is a conductive path (when the particles are ground) the negative charged particles run down the ladder and cause a visible strike of lightning. 

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